Developing appropriate prosthetic systems for the lower limbs.

Improve prosthetic care worldwide.
"Circleg is a social, as well as environmental project that will require start-up funding until its 'proof of concept' is achieved; in the long term, we will see its viability and continue to provide advice and support." (Gabriel)
There is an urgent need for suitable prosthetic technologies worldwide. An estimated 65 million people worldwide are living with a lower limb amputation, with an additional 1.5 million each year. By 2050, this global need for prosthetic devices is expected to double. The main reasons for these high amputation rates are the growth of traumatic events such as traffic accidents, vascular diseases such as diabetes, and inadequate medical care resulting in amputation. The vast majority of amputees in low- and middle-income countries are left without prosthetic devices due to the unavailability and unaffordability of local solutions. Without access to such products, many in need are confined to their homes and lead dependent, excluded lives, increasing the impact of impairment and disability on the person, family, and society.